Saturday, January 16, 2010

Spiritual - Learning new routine

We were at the gym today and I was so happy because I had just finished my run and I was looking forward to stretching out.  So I go to the mat and do a "downward dog" pose and I think about doing this yoga post run stretch routine I found at 
and I was looking forward to using the routine.  Hmmm....what was the first pose?  Did she say pigeon pose...where does my leg go?  As much as I tried I could not remember the routine.  So I had to stretch with some of my familiar stretches and although they felt good, I couldn't help feeling a little disappointed that I couldn't use the new routine.  There's so many things in our lives that we should really invest time into so that when we need to use it, it's readily available to us.  The most important of these things, to me, is my spiritual life.  There is no "faking it, until you make it" clause when it comes to God.  We either really try to spend time with Him everyday, in whatever manner He has chosen to reveal Himself to us (I use prayer, bible reading, meditation) and grow in our spiritual life, however little that may be, each day...or we don't grow and find ourselves feeling restless, bored, unmotivated, sad or just fed up with life.  When all along He tells us, "ask and you will recieve, knock and the door shall be opened to you."  He wants to give us the life that we all know is better than the one we have, but we don't give the time needed to be able to gain that life.  Just like my yoga could I have thought that it was going to help me if I only watched it once and didn't commit it to memory.  If I want to know the routine, I have to spend time looking at it, maybe writing it down, committing it to that when the next time comes and I want to use...I'll be able to remember it and take all the pleasure that I know it will provide.  So it is the same with God.  We need to spend time getting to know Him and learning about Him, so that when the time comes that we need Him during the day...He will be there in verses that we have committed to memory, in prayers that make us feel close to Him or any other way that helps us feel close to him.

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