Thursday, January 14, 2010

Relational - There's always 3 sides

I was doing my yoga after my run last night...I'm not sure why, but yoga and running just go hand in hand, (I hope to understand why this is one of these days) and I was doing this triangle pose.  This pose is a little misleading because, to me, it seems like a pretty easy pose to maintain...but it wasn't .  You have to be balanced on all 3 limbs to be able to stare at your hand above your body up to the "sky".  At first, I was getting impatient, but after a deep breath in and out, I repositioned my front leg just a little and, Voila!, I got the pose.  So then I was shown by my wonderful Lord, that this is what our relationships and our views about what happens to us everyday needs...a little repositioning of our "mental leg".  In every relationship, no matter how close or how distant it is, God is in the middle of it.  You see, God is love...and what is love??  Love is:
Patient - When was the last time you were patient with someone?  Were you patient with someone today?
Kind - Was someone kind to you today? Did you feel the need for you to be kind to someone?
Not envious - Did someone lift you up today without feeling insecure about themselves?  Did you admire someone today?
Humble - Did you swallow your pride today?  Did someone apologize to you?
Polite - Did someone open the door for you?
Looking out for others welfare - Did you think about someone you love and hope they're doing good?  Were you asked if you were ok?
Long suffering - Did you put up with someone else's story...for the 3rd time :-)?  Or did someone hear you out?
Honest - Did you tell the truth?  Was someone honest with you?
Protection - Are you safe?
Trustful - Do you trust someone...does someone trust you?
Hopeful - You made it one more hope tomorrow will be better or just as good.

I'm sure most of us will say yes to some of these...if not most of these questions.  So then I have to ask myself...with all these evidences of love around us...why then, do I still doubt that God is with me?  Why do I doubt that He wants only the best for me?  Why do I doubt that my future is a great future and that it's in His hands?  Why do I feel alone?

"Oh me, of little faith!"  The next time I'm tempted to feel sad or depressed about how empty or sad my life feels...I will remember what love is.  I will remember that every single day I have proof of God all around me and in all the different people He has surrounded me with to manifest His love for me.  Every relationship is a triangle, in some small or huge way.  It's me, you and God (through one or more of His traits).  We just need to reposition our perspective a little, to be able to see this triangle and thank our Lord up above for surrounding us, everyday...with His love.

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