Monday, January 18, 2010

Physical - Magic Pill

I woke up today and thanked the Lord for a vacation day....ahhhh a day off.  My first thought was "I don't feel like doing anything today!"  Just veg out for a while, wait for Victor to come home from practice, go see that new movie "Book of Eli" and eat a tub of popcorn...butter free, of course ;-).  Then a little thought crept into my mind, what about doing some yoga?  Hmmmm...I started telling myself a bunch of's my vacation day, I ran on Saturday, I'll do it tomorrow....I just don't feel like it!  *pout*  Then I started praying and I could hear my wonderful Lord telling me, Lili, what's going on?  Why do you not want to grow today, why would you waste one single day of your God given life to spend it not getting healthier!  I asked for forgiveness, put on some yoga pants (I love yoga pants, I think that's the reason I wanted to do yoga, just for the excuse of buying them) and put on this great yoga video called "long and lean yoga" with Baron Baptiste.  It's a tough routine, it strength trains you and you are shaking within the first five minutes of the's great!  Throughout the routine, I sometimes thought, "hurry up Baron, your sweet soothing voice, is just getting on my nerves, already!"...but then that magical moment came when the end of the video comes, he gets you into this beautiful relaxed sitting position and you breathe in and out and you smile at yourself for doing it just one more day.  So then I'm sitting there, all happy and this other thought creeps into my mind..."why don't you go for a run? Just a 2 mile run, short and sweet? Hu...let's do it"  I open my eyes and wonder if that was me talking to me.  I start getting the urge to feel guilty about not running.  And that's when it hits me.  Balance Lili.  Everything is about balance.  Why do we go to one extreme and then another?  At first I don't even want to exercise and then the other moment I want to do a 45 minute yoga routine and then run!!  Craziness.  That's how we get lost, we forget about how to enjoy and appreciate what we have because we either don't work to get it, or once we have it we want more! 

Remember, always be good to yourself. Whether it's eating oatmeal with blueberries instead of a donut, or telling yourself you did a good job today by taking a walk instead of telling yourself how fat you look in those jeans.  Take it one day at a time.  It is hard work, but it can really be simple.  Just choose the best thing most of the time, meal by meal, exercise by exercise.  Pray about it and ask the Lord to give you balance in your eating habits and your exercise habits and most of all LISTEN. Listen to Him and listen to your body, they'll let you know the right path.'s all about consistency, there is no magic pill.  Only magical moments.

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