Sunday, April 8, 2012

Doo Bee Doo Bee Dooo!

Happy Easter!  The day our Lord rose from the dead and a day for all of us to be able to use this day as a resurrection of sorts to our lives.  Every day, we are given, is a chance for a whole new life, if for whatever reason, we are unhappy or dissatisfied with the one we're living.  I think that a whole lot of us view ourselves as "victims" of life and that we just sit back and let life happen to us.  Although, there is so much in life that we have no control over, and we should "roll with the punches", we have ALL the control over how we actually live.  We can choose our behavior.  We can choose our actions.  We can choose our thoughts.  We can choose to be better.  That is not to say that we shouldn't also be grateful and thank God for where we are and who we are exactly this moment (in other words, let's not be hard on ourselves), but we can also know there's always room for improvement.  I saw a documentary once called the "Quantum Physicist" and he was doing a lecture and he said something along the lines that we have to work, then rest in the work, work, then rest in the work...Do, Be, Do, Be, Do.. :)
But that's exactly what I'm trying to say.  Accept who we are (smile) and then decide what action, thought, feeling, can come next to take us one step further into becoming a better version of ourselves!  So today I will choose to be happy, to be grateful for so much beauty in my life, to appreciate everything that is mine, to polish all those beautiful things i've been given so that I'm taking care of them to the best of my ability and to thank my God for being ALIVE.  We serve an awesome God and in losing myself in Him, He gives me life back abundantly.  Thank you Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

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