Sunday, February 28, 2010

Forrest Gump

I was watching Forrest Gump yesterday and I was mesmerized at how deep this movie is!  I have never seen it quite the way I saw it yesterday.  Forrest is the "perfect human being".  Why do I say this?  Because he lives in every moment.  He is a person of strong character and virtue...he always just makes the right choice no matter the cost, the pain, the fear, the rejection.  Take for example, when those kids are going to beat him up and Jenny shouts "run, forrest, run!"  Forrest just turns to look at her and then just runs...he runs and runs until he is free from his leg braces and then he runs the rest of his life.  Another scenario, is when he graduates from college and most of us would take time off to celebrate (which there is nothing wrong with celebrating our successes), but he gets drafted and the next moment he's off on a bus to basic training.  Forrest just does what he is told (like we should when God speaks to us) and things just seem to turn out well.  Yes, he goes to war and is scared, his buddy dies and he cries, he loves Jenny and she doesn't love him back...but he soldiers on and on...doing the right thing every time.  In contrast, we have Jenny.  She is just so messed up from her childhood, she doesn't have the first clue of who she is.  She is constantly making the wrong choice, or a better way to put it...tries to keep hammering a square peg in a round she is in constant pain, miserable...a failure.  That's what happens to us, when we keep making the wrong choice.  For some reason, we are prone and attracted to, be rebellious.  We want what is bad for us, we crave all the bad things, we desire those things that will destroy us.  We have to ask the Lord for strength.  Whatever it is we're battling...sin, overeating, laziness, feeling sorry for ourselves, blaming others, not appreciating the life we have...whatever it is, just start (or keep on) making the right choice.  At first it's hard but once you start making choosing the right thing it starts feeling consistent, it becomes a habit and eventually you wouldn't have it any other way.  It's like when you start eating healthy.  At first you miss that bag of hot cheetos but after a while, when you've cut out most of the fried, processed, unhealthy foods from your diet....those hot cheetos don't taste nearly as good as they used to...and voila! you don't crave them anymore.  Life is going to happen to us no matter what.  However, God tells us that when we do it his way, HE prepares the way before us and we don't have to worry about tomorrow.  When we are in His will, the only "work" we have is to enjoy (imagine that!) today, take pleasure in the life that we are living at this moment and show to others the light we have in our souls by being good, kind, compassionate and giving to others.  He doesn't want us worrying about tomorrow, He will take care of us.  What a wonderful God we serve!  He loves us, wants only the BEST for us and it's our job to believe that and just make the right choice.

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