There are natural laws to our universe that we take for granted and never really pay attention to...unless we pay attention to them. Some of these laws are (and these are not formal terms, just my attempt to best address them):
1. The Law of Balance - things will always seek level balance. This law includes Karma, energy exchanges, and so many other things.
2. Like attracts like - things/people will normally surround themselves with others that are the same. Just look around you...your friends pretty much all like you. There might be fringes, but for the most part, they must all have some stuff in common with you and that's why you hang out together.
3. You reap what you sow - this is what I really want this post to be about.
Time and time again, when I take the time to be aware of this law, I will always be able to see this law at work. For example, I love just meditating on the actions, choices, decisions that I've made in the past few years and then I like to take a look around at my life in the present and see how all those things have bloomed. I like that we can't see change from day to day, but once you add time, you can really see how much things have changed...whether they be good or bad. This is where it can get a little sad. You see, sometimes a very hard truth to accept is really do choose the life that you live. You CHOOSE the life you live. I know that if you are going through a hard time, sad or painful time right now...that this truth is just appalling for some, but the honest truth is that you did really choose whatever circumstances you find yourself in. Ugh. I know. Now I know there are those crazy things that life throws at us and we just could never have anticipated those things...but the rest of our lives, most of our lives we really have created. I think that since a lot of us don't realize that we create our own lives and believe that we are like a sailboat drifting along a big ocean...that we don't actually put into play a lot of things that we really desire because we don't really believe that we can have the life we really want. However, this is just not true.
So this beautiful law is wonderful for when we get to harvest the good stuff, but we need to remember that the hard work that goes into all the sowing, is freaking hard work. I know this. However, I also know that its so worth it. I'd hate to think that anyone would end up just miserable, unhealthy, uncared for, and with a life not well lived, just because they didn't realize this law was at play in their lives. I hope that today we wake up just a little more and know that the choices we make today really are a step in the direction that we will be towards, three years from now, 5 years from now, 10, 20 years from now! Think about the amazing life we could be living if we put in the hard work right now. And more than that, by who's standards is the word "hard"? Why should it be any easier...maybe it is easy and we just need to have a different perspective. Maybe easy is anything that we can actually do and is not impossible. Let's use these laws to our advantage. This is our life, this is my life, this is your life...choose to make it the best possible one!
Peace and love,
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